Spring is just around the corner which may mean that it is time to pick up some new items for your wardrobe. Not all of us run out to the mall every time the seasons change to refresh our look, most of us likely do not do that. But it could be one of those years where you are due to make some additions. I haven’t done any real shopping in quite a while so I am personally in need of this, hopefully I can find some items I like because I rarely do. In this article we will go over some clothing options we have for the warmer weather that is on its way and some tips that might make it a bit easier for you to find some stuff.

We all have our methods we each use to choose the things we like, whether it’s clothing, cars or protein powder. So, I will go through how I do it, tell you why and maybe this will give you some ideas for the next time you are shopping. I like to use the uniform method when it comes to determining what I wear. For those who aren’t familiar with this term, its basically finding one look that you really like (one type of shirt, short/pant and shoe) and sticking to it. Just change up the colors or material of what you are wearing and rock it every day. For example, in the winter I’ll typically wear a cotton t-shirt, denim jeans, usually black, with a classic style pair of running shoes. If it’s a little cooler out I’ll put a flannel or denim shirt over the t-shirt. Easy, I like how it looks on me and I never get tired of that look. Spring/summer is tougher for me due to me not having a go to pair of shorts like I do jeans. Once I find a pair of shorts that look good with my shoes or vice versa, then I’m good to go.

What shirt options are out there for men? Not many I would say, at least compared to women and we are all familiar with what those choices are. But, as long as you can find something you like to wear than the lack of options doesn’t really matter. If you like wearing t-shirts, then wear them every day. If you like wearing polo’s, then wear them every day. If you prefer having a little variety in your daily look, then wear your favorite item most days and mix in the occasional button-up shirt or if the weather is right, a lightweight sweater or sweatshirt. Fabric weight, material and breathability are the key elements when it comes to warm weather. Higher quality products tend to shine in the summer because these manufacturers typically use more comfortable and breathable materials.

So, what about shorts or pants? The climate you live in can have a large effect on your options here. I live in Phoenix so; I rarely wear pants in the summer unless the Sun is down and I have a specific reason to wear them. If you live in a milder climate, lightweight chinos are a popular choice for warm months as well as linen pants. Linen is very comfortable but it definitely has a particular look to it that you may or may not like. I’ve actually found that a nice pair of slacks can be quite comfortable in warmer weather if the fabric isn’t too heavy and they are very easy to dress down with the right shirt and shoes. For shorts I don’t know that variety is really a thing so, I’d say the differences mostly come down to the length and the overall fit of the short. You will choose shorts you like of course but make sure they also look good on you. Don’t get too comfortable! Personally, I like to match the fit of my shorts to the fit of my shirt. If I’m wearing a loose-fit shirt, then I’ll usually wear loose-fit shorts. If I have a more tailored fitting shirt then I’ll wear shorts that are a little more fitted as well. I do this mostly to keep a uniform silhouette from top to bottom. Materials vary a lot with shorts but since these are shorts and not pants, this is less important as far as comfort. I have been seeing more companies use lightweight fabric that is typically used for swim shorts on their regular shorts which I’m not a fan of but you might like them, they tend to be very lightweight.

And finally, shoes. You really don’t even need shoes, you could just do slippers or “thongs” as some people call them, every day in the summer. That’s what I used to do, part of my family is from Hawai’i and that’s the standard over there. If you prefer to wear shoes though, there are plenty of options. A classic summer choice would be the boat or deck shoe. These are great shoes for the summer due to their versatility. You can dress them up or down, they’re comfortable and usually look good. Unless you’re me, they don’t look good on me in shorts. Not sure what it is but I hate how they look on me. They’ll look great on you though. You could also wear a classic loafer; these are similar to boat shoes but they look a little more preppy and have a bit of that old guy look. These also don’t look good on me for some reason. There are too many options to run through here so again, I would say just pick what you like and what looks good on you. I tend to land on a modern but understated running shoe or an upscale “skate style” shoe. These usually look good on me and also match the style of my clothes pretty well.

Hopefully, this article provides a bit of information or inspiration for your next clothing search. I didn’t want to dig too deep on this subject simply because we all have shopping experience and I think we can all agree our options don’t change much from year to year. We all know what we’re looking at. The last tip I have is this: before you start shopping, picture yourself wearing one outfit that you want to wear and that looks good on you. Then simply match that look when you shop. If you keep that image in your head it’s pretty easy to switch out items that you see while shopping and evaluate how they’ll look on you. Don’t forget to check out our premium cotton t-shirts while you’re here. They look good and feel good summer and winter alike.