The other day I was asked if our premium cotton t-shirts were unisex. “Yes.”, I replied. It’s a t-shirt, anyone can wear a t-shirt. We currently don’t do any marketing toward women, which is why he was asking. We had planned to market our t-shirts to both men and women from the beginning but we couldn’t really get it together in time for our website photo shoot. This led to a discussion between my wife and I about who we are marketing our product towards and if we should start focusing more on females than we currently do. Primarily the wives and girlfriends who may be interested in making a purchase on their significant others behalf. My wife thinks there are a lot of women out there who shop for their husbands. I think there are some, but not a lot.

Now I’m curious about this, so I started to do a little research on it. Does anyone find it strange that in a time where searching for information is so incredibly easy, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find information? Good information at least. Anyway, I didn’t find much. I went on ChatGPT and asked it for some info. It came back saying it couldn’t collect any current information on shopping trends and that I should check some market research websites and articles. I thought that’s what it did. I kept searching. The few articles I found that somewhat talk about this say that women absolutely shop for their husbands and it is quite common. The forum’s I found where guys are discussing this a bit seem to suggest some wives do the shopping but most guys do their own. I know when I am out shopping, I am not in the men’s department surrounded by women.

In my own experience, my mom does all of my dad’s clothes shopping. My wife does none of mine. These two examples make perfect sense to me even though they are opposites. You see, my mom knows what my dad likes to wear and my dad likes what my mom buys for him. On the other hand, my wife does not know what I like and I have never liked any piece of clothing she has ever bought for me. To avoid potential conflict and wasting money, she stopped trying to shop for me about 25 years ago. I imagine most couples will fall between these two examples. Variations of “How good are you at shopping for me?”, “How much do I care about what I wear?” and “How much do I enjoy or hate shopping?”. I think these are the main factors that determine who’s shopping for who.

I think it’s very cool when a person is able to shop for their spouse. Whether it’s because they are very good at it or because their spouse just trusts them with those style decisions, it’s cool. I used to try and buy clothes for my wife and I would only purchase items I knew would look good on her. She’d try the items on and sure enough, they looked great. My mistake was, I bought things that I liked on her as opposed to what she liked on herself. She never wore any of the things I bought over the years I don’t think. She kept saying “These clothes are too transparent!” I’m like, “What does that even mean?” I’m just kidding, I didn’t buy her stuff like that. I just wanted to reinforce the point that I should have bought what she liked instead of what I liked. Even though it all looked great.

I’ve gotten a little further into that subject than I intended, I wanted to write a little about how our t-shirts would be great for females. It occurred to me as I was meandering through this article that a female can wear any t-shirt, regardless of who it’s intended for and make it look good. When I was researching this article I came across lots of photos of women wearing all sorts of t-shirts. Snug, loose, oversized, tucked, untucked, casual, dressed up, you name it. Every type of t-shirt, worn in countless ways and it all looked good. So lucky. Guys can’t get away with that, not to that extent at least. So, I think our premium cotton t-shirts should fit right in. It’s a little slimmer fit than average and comes in five sizes, giving women many style options. Plus, it’s a bit longer than average also so it could potentially make the ideal t-shirt dress for you. I know women can really appreciate an ultra-soft material and our t-shirts have that as well, very soft, very comfortable to wear. We truly believe ours is one of the best t-shirts out there, it’s better than any we’ve found. So, if you’d like to pick one of them up for yourself or a loved one, check out our collection page. We think you’ll love it.