It all started in the 1890’s, or was it the 1910’s? 1920’s? Well, I’m not sure. From what I’ve found, any one of those time periods could have been when the cotton t-shirt was invented. It’s not too surprising that we don’t have an accurate date. I’m sure when what we would now call a t-shirt was first created, it was an evolution of several garments that preceded it. When that final iteration came to be, it probably wasn’t considered a groundbreaking piece of apparel, just a newer version of what people were already familiar with. So, not given much attention.

These shirts get plenty of attention today, the t-shirt may well be the most commonly worn garment in the world. There aren’t many occasions these days where a t-shirt would be inappropriate and you’d have difficulty finding an item of clothing that is so reliably comfortable. When you consider all the options that are available in a t-shirt, colors, fabrics and graphics, its popularity makes perfect sense. So, let’s get into the dubious origins of this popular piece of clothing and see if we can narrow down its time of creation. All the while I will avoid giving you a history lesson of the t-shirt over the last 50 years because I’m sure we are all aware enough of this history to know, we don’t care to know more about it.

The first use of the term t-shirt that we know of was in a novel named, “This side of Paradise.” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1920. This was his first novel and he may have coined the term. Some say he may not have come up with the term, he may have just been the first to record it on paper. Haters. I don’t know if anyone has heard of this guy and he might have been better at naming apparel than writing novels, but let’s give credit where credit is due. Anyway, in the book a t-shirt is mentioned as part of a characters packing list as he prepares to head off to school. Assuming he was talking about the garment we are thinking of, the t-shirt is older than 1920.

At this time, it’s likely that t-shirts were considered solely an undergarment. In 1913, t-shirts were supposed to have been issued to U.S. Navy sailors as undershirts. I’ve found this in several articles but I was unable to find any historical account for this, considering the importance of functional uniforms in the military this isn’t hard to believe. Plus, I was in the Navy and I was issued t-shirts, so, there you go, modern journalistic proof. This use by the Navy may have also prompted the first time t-shirts were ever mass produced. Prior to this, I haven’t been able to find any direct references to any t-shirt like apparel or whatever they would have been called prior to 1920. Based on articles I read, most think an original, “t-shirt” would have been a cut down version of a larger garment, possibly a union suit, which is a one-piece long underwear. However, these had buttons on them so there was definitely some development of a buttonless pullover at some point so I doubt it was simply a cut down union suit.

Speaking of buttonless pullovers, this is not a new concept. Really, if you look at a t-shirts shape, it’s little more than a poncho with the sides sewn up and sleeves added. Ponchos have been around for centuries, as have tunics. A tunic basically looks like a very long t-shirt and it’s known mostly for being worn in medieval Europe. They would usually have some form of vee neck or just an opening at the top like a poncho, no crewnecks then. But crewnecks aren’t new either. European fishermen have been wearing knit crewneck sweaters on the water for several centuries as well.

This look, design and idea, has been around in one form or another, for a very long time. This may be why finding the true origin of the cotton t-shirt is difficult. It may have been too familiar of a look for anyone to recognize as unique, even though it kind of is. An immeasurably popular item of clothing, centuries in the making, developed most likely, out of necessity. Luckily, all those years of steady change and adjustment have led to us being able to enjoy a versatile and stylish piece of clothing. Have a look at our premium cotton and Pima cotton t-shirts while you are here. They are a new iteration of the classic t-shirt. Comfortable, durable and a flattering fit. I think you’ll like them.